I am artist and I want to sell my works via Almondarte.com
Almondarte provides unique space for presentation and selling your works of art. We offer simple, precise and fair system under very favourable conditions. In case you’re interested or have some queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at artist@almondarte.com. We’ll be pleased to tell you all the details about the service.
I am owner or administrator of a public space and I want to exhibit works of art there
Do you have a suitable place for exhibiting and are looking for someone who can arrange all the stuff? Contact us to make an appointment. We’ll be happy to fix everything and you can have an exhibition of your choice in a few days. We’ll tell you more via email at place@almondarte.com. This service is available in Czech Republic, Slovakia Germany and Austria only.
I love arts and am looking for an opportunity
We are looking for sales assistants to broaden our services across Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria. In case you are interested, please contact us at assistant@almondarte.com, we’ll be happy to tell you all the details.